Racing Rules
Jump To:Requirements | Structure | League Scoring | Awards | Modifications | General Rules
- Each participant must be a member of an approved council company or club.
- Participants must be at least 16 years of age as of January 1st of the racing season.
- There will be a racer entry fee to be collected as submitted by each member company. The amount of the fee shall be determined annually. The racer entry fee, team rosters, and waiver forms are due to the CISC Treasurer at the meeting held in December. A late fee may be assessed for each racer registered after the meeting in December, but prior to the first race. The amount of the late fee will be determined annually.
- Each team must abide by the rules of the Connecticut Industrial Ski Council, Inc. racing league, or face disqualification.
- Each racer must submit, signed and witnessed (where required), waivers of liability against the Connecticut Industrial Ski Council, Inc. and the respective mountain prior to participating in a race. The CISC waiver will include statements of birth and gender for the purpose of setting classes.
- Each member company participating in the racing program must coordinate its members as scheduled by the Council to help run, organize, and govern these programs. Reference the CISC “Duty Roster” for each conference. Any team failing to perform its assigned duties will be disqualified for that specific race.
A. Team Formation:
1. Standard League Teams: Each member company may enter as many teams as it desires. Each team will consist of up to twenty (20) racers (traditional alpine skiers, snowboarders, telemark or cross country skiers, physically disabled skiers, and skiers with specialized equipment).
a. Each member company should make every attempt to insure that all teams are equally competitive by balancing the point earning potential of racers on each team. This will be done by each member company on the “honor” system. A team of five (5) or fewer racers need not be balanced with the larger teams of up to twenty (20) members.
b. The team structures of any team may be modified only during the first two (2) weeks of competition by reassigning registered racers.
2. CISC Company Championship Teams: Each member company may enter one (1) championship team. Each CISC championship team will consist of six (6) to ten (10) racers, to be selected by each member company using a method of their own choosing.
a. An approved council club’s championship team shall consist of league racers who are members of that approved council club. To be eligible to compete in the championship series, a racer must compete in a certain number of the standard weekly league series races (reference Section II.B) as follows: If as part of the standard weekly league series, six (6) or more races are held, then a racer shall be required to compete in a minimum of four (4) of these races to be eligible to compete in the championship series. If as a part of the standard weekly league series, four (4) or five (5) races are held, then a racer shall be required to compete in a minimum of three (3) of these races to be eligible to compete in the championship series.
B. League Formation:
The league will consist of separate but equal racing programs under the direction of the Board of Directors. Each conference will race at a location to be designated by the Board of Directors and be referred to by the ski area name. Each conference shall be bound by all Council rules and regulations.
The standard weekly league series races will consist of from four (4) to seven (7) scheduled evening events for each conference. These events will be held once each week. The CISC championship series races will not be considered part of the standard weekly league series.
CISC championship races shall consist of up to one (1) council club championship team for each council club for club level competition racing over varying courses. Individuals not selected to represent his or her club as members of his or her club team (see Section II.A.2.a.) may complete individually, provided he or she has qualified as set forth in Section II.A.2.a. of these racing rules. An individual who is member of a council club and is not eligible to compete in the championship series persuant to Section II.A.2.a. but has completed a minimum:
– of one (1) standard weekly league series race (if two (2) or more standard weekly league races are held), or
– of zero (0) standard weekly league series race (if one (1) or fewer standard weekly league races are held)
may participate in championship series races as an individual championship guest racer. A championship guest racer participating in a championship series race shall be subject to the same participation requirements of qualifying racers (e.g., pay entry fee(s), sign waivers, etc.). A championship guest racer shall run at the end of the run order for his or her gender and equipment discipline with the possible exception of the expert classes to be decided at the discretion of the race directors. A championship guest racer shall not be eligible for individual championship awards. Championship races will include all conferences under a single program.
C. Racer Classes:
Skill Classes: There shall be a male and female alpine skiing Expert Class. These classes shall consist of racers based upon the following performance criteria. The Expert class shall consist of the top (7-10) percent of all racers at each conference. These classes shall be set proportional in size to the age/gender classes. Additionally, a skill class can be defined by equipment (snowboard, telemark, etc.) requiring a skill set other than alpine skiing, where the council determines that the number of racers interested constitute a class. Any large classes may be divided by age and gender (see Section II. C. 1: Racer Classes – Age and Gender Classes).
All classes shall remain the same for the regular season through the CISC championships with the exception that any class may be combined with another appropriate class at the discretion of the Board.
D. Racing Format:
All races, except the Championship’s GS race, will consists of wide gate slalom or ‘special’ slalom type courses to conform to a course set of 18-22 meters down slope and 4-8 meters offset spacing. All races will consist of a minimum of two runs through the course unless otherwise dictated by the ski area or the CISC racing director. An example would be adverse weather conditions.
The racing season will consist of a minimum of four (4) scheduled league races plus the CISC championship series.
E. Telemark Format:
Telemark racers may skate and/or pole past the first two gates in the race without a proper telemark turn as defined above. Subsequent turns must be executed as stated above with the exception of the final gate where the racer may tuck around the final gate and through the finish.
A. Individual Scoring:
Each individual racer on a team will also be competing on a one-to-one basis against other racers in the same class (see Section II. C. ”Racer Classes”) in the league. Each class will be reviewed annually by the race directors of all conferences and the vice president, to adjust as needed for even distribution. Any changes from the previous year will be published as of January 1st of the racing season.
Points will be awarded each week based on the individual finishing position within each class. Finishing position will be based upon the best single time through the course. Points will be awarded as follows:
Finishing Posistion | Points Earned |
1 | 50 |
2 | 49 |
3 | 48 |
4 | 47 |
5 | 46 |
6 | 45 |
7 | 44 |
8 | 43 |
9 | 42 |
10 | 41 |
11 | 40 |
12 | 39 |
13 | 38 |
14 | 37 |
15 | 36 |
16 | 35 |
17 | 34 |
18 | 33 |
19 | 32 |
20 | 31 |
21 | 30 |
22 | 29 |
23 | 28 |
24 | 27 |
25 | 26 |
26 | 25 |
27 | 24 |
28 | 23 |
29 | 22 |
30 | 21 |
31 | 20 |
32 | 19 |
33 | 18 |
34 | 17 |
35 | 16 |
36 | 15 |
37 | 14 |
38 | 13 |
39 | 12 |
40 | 11 |
41 | 10 |
42 | 9 |
43 | 8 |
44 | 7 |
45 | 6 |
46 | 5 |
47 | 4 |
48 | 3 |
49 | 2 |
50 and below | 1 |
To qualify for points as described above, a racer must successfully complete a minimum of one (1) run through the course. Any racer competing in any scheduled CISC race and failing to qualify for points as described above, shall receive one (1) point.
Seasonal standings for individual competition will be based upon the best (4 out of 5, 4 out of 6, or 5 out of 7) race finishes during the season. The actual number of races used for scoring will be dependent upon the number of races held.
Individual scoring for the CISC championship races shall be determined by the same formula as the regular season results.
B. Team Scoring
1. General: Any team (and /or each team member) failing to perform their assigned duties when required will receive a zero (0) point score for team (and /or individual) for that race.
2.Weekly League Team Scoring: Team standings each week will be determined by the following formula:
The best six (6) individual point awards from that team (as determined in Section IIIA.- Individual Scoring) will be added together. This will result in a total point score for that week. Highest total point score wins.
Seasonal team standings will be determined by taking each team’s (4 out of 5, 4 out of 6, or 5 out of 7) highest point scores and adding them together for a seasonal league total.
3.CISC Championship Team Scoring: Team standings for each CISC championship race shall be determined by adding together the best six (6) individual championship point awards (as described in Section III.A) for that team. This will produce a total point score for that race. The total point scores for each team for all CISC championship races will then be added together to produce a total championship point score. Highest total championship point score wins.
C. Results
1. The Race Director will make results from a race available within two (2) calendar days of the race. Results will be posted on the website If an error is found in the results, it must be brought to the Race Director’s attention within seven (7) calendar days of the posting.
A) Team awards will be presented to the top three teams from each conference. Ties will result in duplicate awards (see Section III.A).
B) Individual awards for the regular season will be presented for the top three positions of each class for each conference.
C) Individual championship awards will be presented for the top three positions of each class.
D) The company championship award will consist of one (1) perpetual trophy to be retained at the winning company until the next championship series is held. The award will be determined as a result of the CISC championship series. In addition, a smaller trophies will be given to the second and third place companies.
Ties will be broken by using the 7th, then 8th, then 9th, then 10th person on each team for all three races. If there is still a tie, co-champion awards will be given.
These racing rules may be modified at any time prior to the first scheduled race of the season by a simple majority of the Council Board. A 75% majority is required for modification after the commencement of the first scheduled race until the final race of the season is completed.
A) Racers can be seeded in any order of sign-up or by class for the regular season. Racers will run in numerical order, starting with the lowest number first. Seeding of companies for the championship series will be made by random selection. Racers will race in seeded bib number order in the championship races.
B) Absolutely no practicing of any type on the race courses will be permitted prior to or during competition. Violators will be disqualified. Courses may be viewed or snow-plowed.
C) All racers must bear their bibs while on the race course. Violators are subject to disqualification.
D) If a racer misses or straddles a gate, the racer will be disqualified for that run.
> E) If a pole, person, or any obstruction is in the racer’s way, the racer must exit the course and report it to the gate keeper and/or timer. If the racer crosses the finish line, his/her time will count and they will not be entitled to a rerun.
F) If a non-racer crosses the finish line in front of a racer, or for any reason the racer does not receive a time after successfully completing a run, then the racer receives an automatic rerun at the discretion of the race director.
G) Racers receiving a rerun may cut line at the starting gate.
H) A racer will be disqualified if he/she leaves the starting gate early (for that run only).
I) A racer will be disqualified if he/she acts unsportsman-like at any time before, during, or after the race at the discretion of the Race Director.
J) The Race Director will have final say in all disputes on race night or day.
K) Any protests must be brought to the Race Director’s attention no later than 15 minutes after the close of the race course.
L) Reruns will be allowed if a racer falls prior to the first gate.
CISC members must abide by rules and regulations of the host mountain, or be subject to their penalties.